Rooted in Christian love and principles, we make every effort to participate in and contribute to the building of our nation through various ministries.
Evangelistic Ministry
Reach the unreached with Love of Christ and establish churches in co- operation with other churches, missionary organizations and with all those who are involved in evangelistic ministries.
Social Welfare Ministry
Render social welfare services for the upliftment of the poorer sections of the society through Hostels, Senior Citizen Welfare Homes, Education, Medical aid, Skills Training etc.
Media Ministry
Communication facilities have improved in the world. Making strategic use of the various media helps us to accomplish much for God’s Kingdom.

Missions India is an indigenous, interdenominational Christian organization with a twofold ministry namely, revival of the church and welfare of the under privileged people of our country. It was in 1989 that Missions India came into being in Navajeevodayam Tiruvalla, under the leadership of Bro.George Cherian and today its ministries have spread into 17 states of India with more than 560 missionaries serving in 189 mission stations.
In 1989, Missions India began its mission work by sending a missionary family to Haryana. As Missions India is crossing a quarter of a century in mission work, by God’s Grace, it was able to spread the gospel to hundreds of villages and cities in India. Missions India aims at spreading the truth that, through the sacrifice made by Jesus at Calvary, there is salvation for each and every individual in this world, who accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

Missions India is the vision-come-true of a man named George Cherian. He was born and brought up in a Christian home with sound spiritual background. His father late. Mr. K.V.Cherian was one of the most powerful revival speakers in Kerala whom God used to start the Navajeevodayam movement. Though his devout mother introduced Jesus to him when he was seven, George Cherian pursued a professional career after engineering. His career-oriented life took him to challenging jobs and different countries. But at the age of 35, God decisively intervened and asked him to change the course of his life. At first he was hesitant to leave the job and take his family and himself into a region of uncertainties and it took him three years to take the decision to obey God’s call and come out for ministry.